Ocean Science

Modern in situ ocean and sea ice observations not only address the needs of climate and ocean research but are vital to ocean, marine, weather, and climate forecasts, calibration of remote sensing data, and delivery of tailored analyses, products, and services. The need for continuous monitoring, systematic analysis and quick release of data and derived products goes along with the development of new data tools and an unprecedented increase in both the volume and diversity of data. Moorings are one component of an observing system, providing valuable in situ point time series measurements to be used alongside satellite data and observations from ships and mobile autonomous platforms.

Methods and software tools for automated generation of ocean and sea ice statistics from mooring data will be developed and published, including tools for comparison/validation against available ocean reanalyses and existing gridded data products. Novel tools for visualization of ocean and sea ice time series from moorings together with complementary environmental information (e.g. sea ice variables and SST from remote sensing, atmospheric variables from reanalysis products or meteorological stations, or outputs of operational models) will be developed and published, including training examples (test data sets with dedicated Jupyter Notebooks).

Dedicated tools will be developed in collaboration with modelling community to provide the fit-for-purpose data products derived from ocean and sea ice time series in the Arctic Ocean to be used for assimilation in numerical models. Relevant ocean and sea ice data products will also be tailored for the ingestion into the Blue Insight platform.

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